Mental Health Activities for College Students

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Mental Health Activities for College Students

Mental Health Activities for College Students

​​Powerful therapy stays with you beyond any individual session or program. A lot of heavy lifting can get done in one-on-one sessions. Your journey to building better mental health requires developing a fitness routine that you can access beyond single sessions with your therapist. 

There are a range of positive lifestyle choices and mental health activities for college students that are proven to help improve mindfulness, relieve stress or anxiety and increase your wellbeing. Finding what works best for you is often a process of trial and error. Knowing yourself, and how you respond to activities that help stimulate you in the right way, is fundamental to getting the most out of any mental health maintenance program. 

Our dialectical behavior therapy programs work in tandem with everyday activities that are easily accessible for students. As we explore your unique make-up and interests, we assess the benefits of exercise, socializing, gaming, journaling, yoga, music and a mix of other different hobbies and activities that can help power your journey to owning your college experience. 

Finding What Mental Health Activities Work Best for You

Campus DBT celebrates individuality. We believe that you are already amazing. Unlocking the extraordinary power that already exists within you sometimes requires guidance and help. At college, as in life, we get by ‘with a little help from our friends’. Positive lifestyle activities and choices also help, and there are several that can be called upon by students when friends may not be available. 

Finding what mental health activities work best for you requires an understanding of how you respond to different stimulations on both a mental and physical level. It’s easy to say ‘exercise makes you feel better’ or ‘yoga promotes mindfulness’. It’s harder to know what types of hobbies you can adopt that will be sustainable over time, working for you during your college years and throughout the rest of your journey. Campus life changes fast. What interests and stimulates you today may not be available tomorrow. 

When assessing what mental health activities for college students work best at an individual level, our DBT programs and skills coaching focus on self-discovery. We explore a range of activities that seek to align your passions and interests while promoting broader wellbeing. By seeking to discover what types of activities best fit your unique profile, we develop a range of solutions for you to explore – pursuing sustainable change through diversity of choice and ease of access.

Campus DBT Programs

Offering programming throughout the year.

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