DBT for Depression

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DBT for Depression

DBT for Depression

​​Dialectical Behavior Therapy, or DBT, is a tried and tested treatment for those suffering from depression and related mental health conditions. 

One concept found throughout DBT is behavioral activation, an evidenced based treatment for depression. Keeping it simple - behavioral activation says, "When you want to isolate and do nothing...get up, get out and do something". Behavioral activation is woven into DBT Therapy. The use of DBT for depression is grounded in both this and the acceptance of imperfection as the basis of a vehicle for positive change. Our programs are practical and empowering, allowing you to focus your emotions and energies positively to where they matter, in a way that benefits you

Campus DBT helps foster resilience by developing emotional regulation tools you can rely upon to help deal with depression. Tailored to students, Campus DBT delivers therapy and coaching sessions that are as unique as you. Whether you are looking to access DBT for depression, anxiety, self-development or as part of a fitness regime for your mental health, we provide programs that deliver the support you need, when you need it.

DBT Therapy Techniques for Depression

College is one of the most exciting times in our lives but can also be filled anxiety and stress. For some, this manifests itself in depression. Dialectical Behavior Therapy can provide you with ready-made tools to combat and overcome depression, providing a gateway to better mental health and self-development.  

We are all imperfect. We carry scars, bear burdens and experience unique challenges. There are several proven DBT therapy techniques for depression that can help restore better mental health while also empowering you with practical tools to help you own your experience. These include behavioral activation, mindfulness and acceptance. 

Deploying DBT for depression is one of many ways in which Campus DBT delivers practical programs specifically designed for college students.  Our DBT therapy techniques include group skills sessions, wellness activities, individual therapy, and phone support. 

Campus DBT Programs

Offering programming throughout the year.

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